If Life is for rent, we wouldn’t need to price because we know nothing that we have is truly ours. These are the lines of a famous poet who understood the times and dime of a man. Black Sunday was a day never to be forgotten by all. It was a Sunday that not only brought insecurity but also reminds all of eternity. It reminds of the pleasantness of life and the rot of death, the pain in sorrow and laughter in joy. This dark day made us all wonder how life would be tomorrow.
We are all still in our dreams, soaked in our pleasure of the cold night. We have taken our time to fantasize on material likeness. We took our time to make a life in sincere unconsciousness. We are now lost in the pleasures of our thought and fantasies of our hearts. We have lost our ingenuity and humanly domination, freely given to us.
This brings me back to my country of allegiance. We are lost in our selfish desires and non-ethical control of power. We have made decisions on our own, not just because of the unknown, but our fears. We have fought our fathers and killed our children, we are now alone. We have made an attempt to come out of our shells but we can’t because the sun scorches us and we didn’t have a choice than to go back into our shells. My country is dealt with mass murder, untamed zeal for gold and unrivaled thirst for blood. Not only has this caused us sorrow but has also shifted the face of the creator from us. We wallow in poverty and smile in riches, we thirst for hope but our hope has been vanquished like the cold war’s captives. We are dead but alive to bury ourselves. We satiate our thirsts yet, we still drink.
Who will now wake us from our dreams? When will the day break, when shall we yawn with great relief of the long night? When shall we get up on our feet and prepare for the day ahead of us? I cry with a fierce grief not because my people perish because of lack of knowledge but because the only seeing eyes have been shifted away from us. This is now the time! This is the time to refresh our minds and our hearts of unjust ways. A time to solemnly reconcile ourselves back to the creator.
This is the time to stop all unnecessary ego and blames and shift our attention to the supernatural being, so that the eyes can once again be shifted back to us. This is the time to live in great humility and learn to depend solely to the creator, hoping that “all will be well”. We have a challenge to face, a task to be completed, an assignment! We all must pray for the peace of our land that we might enjoy the fruits thereof. We are made in the image and likeness of the creator, meant to dominate and peaceful. We are meant to live in faithfulness and love. We all must awake from our sleep and never go back slumbering. We must be prepared for the day ahead and the times to come. We all must reconcile for our tomorrow, because when tomorrow comes, and we see the fruits it has produced, we would say to ourselves, “I am grateful that I have not slept too long!”
My deepest condolences goes to all that lost their lives during the past days of our slumber. My warmest heart goes to the black Sunday occupants and the City of . We have nothing to say, we were just sad not only because you have left this world, but because you have to be an alarm to wake us from our deep dreams. We say rest in the peace of our creator. We pray for you and we love you all. You have just opened our eyes to the dark masquerade that parades the streets, looking for a man to flog with his long black whip! You have made us realize, like a phrase in a song says “death comes in threes, who’s next in line?”
We pray that you rest in the bosom of the gone. Our tears not only lie in your leaving, but also in the unborn children coming into this world of hate and prejudice. We say in our hearts “peace to the one who has died woe to the unborn ones”. Though we all wish we died at times, but when we see what we need to do, people that could be woken from sleep, lives that could change, we live! Once again, rest in peace!